Shopify collabs

Get paid by brands you love

Discover the millions of brands on Shopify, share your favorite products, and earn when your followers buy.

Small turquoise vial with a white screw top labeled, “timeless B5 Hydration Serum”. Vitamin B5 Serum tooltip Instagram Facebook TikTok Youtube
3 snapshots overlap a gradient square. On the left, a woman with red lipstick smiles at the camera. In the middle, a woman with pink hair squeezes lotion onto to the back of her hand. A small circular logo reads “KRAVEBEAUTY”. On the right, a liquid eye liner brush stands next to the packaging it comes in. A small circular logo reads “doe”. In the upper right corner, a circular badge reads “PERFECT FIT” with an illustration of legos in the center.

Find brands to match your vibe

Connect with millions of brands right where they are: on Shopify. Discover new brands or browse our personalized recommendations based on your profile.

2 snapshots overlap a gradient square. On the left is a product page of three gifts to redeem. In the left column are the product images: a small serum bottle, a lotion tube, and a set of bracelets. On the right, each product is labeled with the brand, the product, and a button to redeem: “Timeless Skin Care / Vitamin B5 Serum / Redeem” “Krave Beauty / Welcome Gift / Redeem” “OBX / Bangle / Redeem” On the right is an Instagram feed post with a smiling woman showing off the jewelry on her hands. The caption reads: “@maybeitslellamae jewelry as fierce as me [lion emoji] @shopoxb #sweatproof #selfcare” In the upper left, a badge reads “FREE GIFT” with an illustration of a wrapped gift.

Share products you love

Apply to work with your favorite brands. Once accepted, you can redeem gifts and start incorporating their products into your content. When a follower buys, you get paid.

Three snapshots overlap a gradient square. On top is a line graph trending upwards. Its labeled “Earnings / $6,345” Underneath is a chart depicting visits, sales, and earnings from two brands called Doe Lashes and Timeless Skin Care. At the bottom is a section labeled Store link & code that displays a sample affiliate link and discount code. In the upper right, a badge reads “MANAGE IT ALL” with an illustration of coins.

Keep track of it all

有条不紊地发展和管理分公司再保险lationships, gifts, links, codes, and payouts — all in one place.

How Shopify Collabs works

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