公告主题 https://community.shopify.com/c/announcements/bd-p/announcements 公告主题 2023年5月10日星期三格林尼治时间07:30:00 公告 2023 - 05 - 10 - t07:30:00z 结帐改进:部分可交付的购物车现在可以完成结帐 https://community.shopify.com/c/announcements/checkout-improvement-partially-deliverable-carts-can-now/m-p/2049980#M190

< SPAN class=" Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash" style="width: 999px;>Photo by Brooke Lark on UnsplashShopify Help Center.

2023年5月2日星期二19:42:26 GMT https://community.shopify.com/c/announcements/checkout-improvement-partially-deliverable-carts-can-now/m-p/2049980#M190 内政大臣Jacqui 2023 - 05 - 02 - t19:42:26z
更改支持应用程序费用退款请求 https://community.shopify.com/c/announcements/changes-to-support-requests-for-app-charge-refunds/m-p/2048146#M189

hand-over-a-cellphone- show- shopify-app croped .jpg


异常仍然是反转到未决收费。在这些情况下,我们强烈鼓励合作伙伴发出 应用积分, Shopify Support可以将其应用于发票。

关于此更改的任何问题请联系合作伙伴支持。< / P > < P > < SPAN >, < / SPAN > < / P > 2023年5月2日星期二13:13:51 GMT https://community.shopify.com/c/announcements/changes-to-support-requests-for-app-charge-refunds/m-p/2048146#M189 内政大臣Jacqui 2023 - 05 - 02 - t13:13:51z 5月1日夕阳就业和职业委员会 https://community.shopify.com/c/announcements/sunsetting-jobs-amp-careers-board-on-may-1st/m-p/2034333#M188 < P > < SPAN >你好!

感谢所有为我们的工作做出贡献的人。在过去的几年里的职业列表。我们感谢你们为帮助那些需要服务的人所付出的努力和努力。< P>< /P>

经过仔细考虑,我们决定在5月1日关闭该公告板届时该公告板将被移除。< BR />< BR />
正在寻找工作机会的人请浏览Shopify Experts ob欧宝娱乐app下载地址Marketplace。专家市场由Shopifyob欧宝娱乐app下载地址合作伙伴组成,他们已经证明了他们在Shopify方面的知识和技能。他们为大大小小的各种服务提供服务! 


对于我们的Shopify合作伙伴,我们建议使用您的联系信息和您的投资组合链接更新您的个人资料签名。这不仅可以展示你的知识和专业知识,而且还可以使社区成员更容易向你寻求帮助。< / SPAN > < / P >


To set up your profile signature: 


Click your avatar in the upper right corner

Click “My settings”

Click “My information” under “Personal” 


Thank you. 

2023年4月19日星期三18:03:29 GMT https://community.shopify.com/c/announcements/sunsetting-jobs-amp-careers-board-on-may-1st/m-p/2034333#M188 特雷弗 2023 - 04 - 19 - t18:03:29z
模拟商店API;一个免费的店面原型工具 https://community.shopify.com/c/announcements/mock-shop-api-a-free-storefront-prototyping-tool/m-p/2021581#M187

pexels- pixabae -270348 (1) croped .jpg

< span>我们正在介绍Mock。Shop,一个免费的原型工具,可以构建一个概念验证的店面,而无需设置商店或运行任何服务器端代码。使用Mock Shop API查询实时商业数据,如样品产品、变体和购物车,以帮助您快速创建商业店面原型。

< /P> Mock。Shop是公开可用的——不需要服务器或访问令牌。< / P > < P >, < / P > < P >到< SPAN >, < / SPAN > <强> < class = "画面连结" href = " https://mock。shop/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Mock.Shop 了解更多信息并构建概念验证

2023年4月10日星期一12:39:56 GMT https://community.shopify.com/c/announcements/mock-shop-api-a-free-storefront-prototyping-tool/m-p/2021581#M187 内政大臣Jacqui 2023 - 04 - 10 - t12:39:56z
合作伙伴:对API版本2022-04的支持扩展到2023年6月30日 https://community.shopify.com/c/announcements/partners-support-for-api-version-2022-04-extended-to-june-30/m-p/1989625#M186

< SPAN class=" font - family:宋体;font - family:宋体;> pexels-thisisengineering3861976 croped .jpg< /P>

< span> Shopify将支持< A href="https://shopify.dev/docs/api/release-notes/2022-04" target="_blank" rel="noopener">< span> API版本2022-04< span>至6月30日,2023年(原2023年3月31日)。所有支持API版本2022-042022-07 的公共和自定义使用API资源将在此日期后停止按预期工作。

[操作要求]现有应用程序必须在2023年6月30日之前迁移到API 2022-10或更高版本,以避免任何中断。< / SPAN > < / P >


Below are a few important breaking changes, please make sure to review the full list:

  • The following customer object properties on the REST Admin API’s order resources have been deprecated:  last_order_id, last_order_name, orders_count , total_spent (see details here
  • Some Fulfillment API endpoints and mutations relating to managing fulfillments via an order have been deprecated (see details here)


To see a full list of apps that may be impacted, please log  into your Partner Dashboard and click on Apps > Insights > API Health. 


Please note that this extended timeline for supporting API version 2022-04  does not impact deprecation timelines for any subsequent API releases. If you have any questions, reach out to your Shopify account manager or post here, in the Shopify Community

2023年3月27日星期一16:55:48 GMT https://community.shopify.com/c/announcements/partners-support-for-api-version-2022-04-extended-to-june-30/m-p/1989625#M186 内政大臣Jacqui 2023 - 03 - 27 - t16:55:48z
Shopify认证简介 https://community.shopify.com/c/announcements/introducing-shopify-certifications/m-p/1957315#M185

 Shopify -academy- Foundations - Certification -16-9-v1-size.png

< P>提升技能,在新的Shopify foundation认证计划中脱颖而出

< P>< P>< span>扩展您对Shopify产品的了解,学习关键业务基础并获得认证徽章,通过新的Shopify认证展示您的专业知识。探索八个自定进度课程和评估的介绍性集合,以获得Shopify基础认证。

现在开始学习Shopify Academy。< / SPAN > < / P >
2023年3月6日星期一13:27:52 GMT https://community.shopify.com/c/announcements/introducing-shopify-certifications/m-p/1957315#M185 SarahF_Shopify 2023 - 03 - 06 - t13:27:52z
结帐。Liquid已被弃用 https://community.shopify.com/c/announcements/checkout-liquid-is-being-deprecated/m-p/1943825#M184

Shopify Plus商家现在可以使用结帐扩展性自定义他们的结帐页面,其中包括他们的信息,运输和支付页面。这取代了checkout.liquid的需要。结果,结帐。liquid将不再适用于2024年8月13日开始的结帐页面。OB欧宝娱乐APP目前使用结帐的商店。Liquid要自定义自己的结帐页面,需要在此日期之前升级到结帐的可扩展性。< / SPAN > < / P >


Why we built checkout extensibility

Checkout extensibility makes it easier for Shopify Plus merchants to customize their checkout in a way that’s app-based, upgrade-safe, higher-converting, and integrated with Shop Pay. It has the power and flexibility for merchants to build the experiences they want, including:


Code-free customization

For the first time ever, you can customize your checkout without touching code. With the new checkout editor, you can edit the look of your checkout, including colors, fonts, and logos. And you can quickly add new functionality to your checkout by simply installing apps from the Shopify App Store and configuring them in the checkout editor. The best part? Apps added in the checkout editor automatically inherit branding settings, making it even faster to add new functionality. 


You can also install apps that add tracking pixels, post-purchase pages, and custom logic to your checkout. 


Increased speed and conversion

Checkout extensibility is built with the latest platform technology, which boosts conversion by over 1% on average by delivering a faster checkout experience for your customers.


Integration with Shop Pay

Add any or all of your checkout customizations to Shop Pay with the click of a button in the checkout editor. This allows you to deliver a consistent experience across your guest and express checkouts, while benefiting from Shop Pay’s 91% higher conversion rates on mobile devices and 4X faster checkout experience. 


Upgrade safety and better security

Unlike using checkout.liquid, checkout extensibility doesn’t require periodic upgrades—which means you can gain access to new checkout features as soon as they’re available. You also benefit from better security as the components and APIs that power checkout extensibility run in a sandboxed environment.


Flexibility to build the experience you want 

Make advanced customizations and build the exact checkout experience you want by working with a developer. You can make advanced customizations to the look of your checkout with the branding API and build bespoke customizations for your checkout by developing custom apps with our ever-growing collection of components and APIs.


Upgrading to checkout extensibility

Shops that currently use checkout.liquid to customize their in-checkout pages need to upgrade to checkout extensibility before August 13, 2024. Checkouts that aren’t upgraded on time will be automatically upgraded to an un-customized, out-of-the-box Shopify Checkout.


Get started or learn more in the Shopify help center.

2023年2月13日星期一14:47:14 GMT https://community.shopify.com/c/announcements/checkout-liquid-is-being-deprecated/m-p/1943825#M184 特雷弗 2023 - 02年- 13 - t14:47:14z
Shopify脚本弃用 https://community.shopify.com/c/announcements/shopify-scripts-deprecation/m-p/1943804#M183

< P>< span> Shopify Plus商家现在可以建立折扣,付款,并通过Shopify Functions交付业务所需的定制。Shopify函数取代了对Shopify脚本的需求,因此在2024年8月13日将不再支持Shopify脚本。利用Shopify脚本的商家需要在此日期之前迁移到Shopify功能。< / SPAN > < / P >


Why we built Shopify Functions 

Shopify Functions are deployed via apps and configured alongside native features directly in the Shopify Admin. This means that merchants never have to touch a line of code when creating or modifying their customizations. 


The WASM platform which runs Shopify Functions is also 100x more performant than the Script Editor app and executes code in under 5ms. Meaning, Shopify Functions can scale up for internet breaking sales events and still perform lighting fast. 


Scripts and Functions 

Please note that Functions and Scripts can work together, so if a use case is not yet supported by Functions, you can continue to leverage your existing Shopify Scripts. Over the next year, we will continue to release additional Functions APIs to cover existing Scripts use-cases, and more.


Get started with your migration 

2023年2月13日星期一14:28:08 GMT https://community.shopify.com/c/announcements/shopify-scripts-deprecation/m-p/1943804#M183 特雷弗 2023 - 02年- 13 - t14:28:08z
Shopify Editions又回来了,有100多个产品更新,可以帮助您长期构建 https://community.shopify.com/c/announcements/shopify-editions-is-back-with-100-product-updates-to-help-you/m-p/1937956#M182

E23_social share_1200x675.png


< span>没有一个通用的商业解决方案< STRONG>< span>,因此,我们不断创新,帮助各种规模的企业走过他们独特的旅程。无论您的未来是什么,您都可以使用Shopify.  建立长期的 < P>< P>探索冬季版的100多个产品更新来帮助您:

  • 提升你的转化率
  • 跨渠道销售
  • 走向全球< A href="//www.theturtleeffect.com/community/editions/winter2023?itcat=announcement&itterm=community#expand-with-b2b" target="_blank" rel="noopener">与B2B展开
  • < A href = " //www.theturtleeffect.com/editions/winter2023?itcat=announcement& itterm =社区# find-and-engage-customers”目标=“平等”rel = " noopener " > < SPAN >找到并参与客户< / SPAN > < / > < /李> <李风格=“粗细:400;“aria-level = " 1 " > < A href = " //www.theturtleeffect.com/editions/winter2023?itcat=announcement& itterm =社区# fulfill-and-deliver”目标=“平等”rel = " noopener " > < SPAN >完成并交付< / SPAN > < / > < /李> <李风格= "粗细:更好地经营您的业务< LI style="font- size: 400;" target="_blank" rel="noopener">与我们一起建设
  • 选择您的组件

浏览所有100+产品更新Shopify Editions
2023年2月9日星期四13:58:32 GMT https://community.shopify.com/c/announcements/shopify-editions-is-back-with-100-product-updates-to-help-you/m-p/1937956#M182 Jasoh 2023 - 02 - 09 - t13:58:32z
在旅途中使用最好的Shopify Balance https://community.shopify.com/c/announcements/take-the-best-of-shopify-balance-on-the-go/m-p/1939385#M181

< SPAN class=" font - family:宋体;" font - family:宋体;> < img src = " https://community.shopify.com/c/image/serverpage/image-id/294614i25039DE7E12DC821/image-size/large?v=v2& px = 999”角色=”按钮“title =“Editions_Blurb-Shopify平衡——v3.jpg“alt = " Editions_Blurb-Shopify平衡——v3.jpg " / > < / span > < / span > < / P > < P >, < / P > < P > < span >我们兴奋地宣布Shopify平衡商家现在可以管理他们的财务状况与新Shopify平衡移动应用。< / span > < / P > < P >, < / P > < P > < span >您可以使用平衡应用程序更好的赚钱< P>
通过将您需要的财务信息触手可及,您可以为您的业务的长期健康做出最佳决策。< / SPAN > < / P >


Stay on top of your finances anytime, anywhere 


  • Check your account balance
  • View transaction history and limits
  • Order your physical card
  • Remotely lock your card
  • Transfer funds in or out

Learn more about Shopify Balance through our Help Center. 


Viewing this announcement from your desktop computer? Scan this QR code to download Balance from your mobile device: 


Download the Shopify Balance app today






2023年2月9日星期四14:40:21 GMT https://community.shopify.com/c/announcements/take-the-best-of-shopify-balance-on-the-go/m-p/1939385#M181 特雷弗 2023 - 02 - 09 - t14:40:21z
介绍客户自助退货! https://community.shopify.com/c/announcements/introducing-customer-self-serve-returns/m-p/1936041#M180

Trevor_0-1675781933845.png< P>< P>< span>我们很高兴地宣布,自< STRONG> 2月7日起,< span>所有Shopify商家已启动客户自助退货服务!您将能够为您的客户提供在线订单中部分或全部产品退货的自由。您现在可以接受和拒绝退货请求,让您的客户了解他们的退货状态,并跟踪他们的退货原因。 

< P>要设置自助退货体验,您首先需要在Shopify管理中激活它。 


  1. 转到Settings >结帐和帐户 
  2. 客户返回请求部分,选择允许客户返回请求。
  3. 点击保存

< /P>


 < P data-unlink="true">您也可以访问我们的帮助中心 了解更多关于如何在您的商店中激活此功能。 


如果您想了解更多信息,请访问我们的 如何使用Shopify进行退货管理 博客文章提供了更多关于此 解决方案 以及使用Shopify内置工具实施退货流程的最佳实践。


有问题吗?请随意在< a href="//www.theturtleeffect.com/community/c/payments-shipping-and/bd-p/payments-shipping-fulfilment" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Shopify Payments, Shipping and fulfillment board 或contact < a href="https://shopify "。link/DAMk" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Shopify Support.

2023年2月7日星期二16:04:12 GMT https://community.shopify.com/c/announcements/introducing-customer-self-serve-returns/m-p/1936041#M180 特雷弗 2023 - 02 - 07 - t16:04:12z
所需行动-在2023年6月30日之前迁移到履行订单API https://community.shopify.com/c/announcements/action-required-migrate-to-fulfillment-orders-api-by-june-30/m-p/1920389#M179

23_Shipping_and_fulfillment.png< P>< P>< P>< span>更新: 支持API Version 2022-04扩展到2023年6月30日。

TL;DR:任何利用已弃用的履约API端点的公共、自定义或私有应用程序 将于2023年6月30日在< STRONG>上停止工作 以支持新的履约订单API。

所有在该日期之前未迁移的应用程序可能会停止正常工作。请查看我们的迁移指南并尽快采取行动以避免任何中断。< / SPAN > < / P >


Fulfillment Order Migration Guide


Why is Shopify deprecating some endpoints on the Fulfillment API?

While using Fulfillment and Order resources to fulfill orders was once considered standard, this legacy behavior is no longer compatible with modern workflows. This holds apps back from a better, more accurate, way to fulfill and manage orders and makes it difficult for merchants to have visibility and control over their inventory and fulfillment. Fulfillment Orders API helps apps model the entire fulfillment process more accurately into its sub-pieces and unlocks access to new features like local delivery & pickup, fulfillment holds, subscriptions and more.


How do I move to Fulfillment Orders?


To help you seamlessly migrate, we’ve crafted a migration guide that walks you through the process of moving to Fulfillment Orders. If you’re wondering what it might look like once updated, take a look at our sample application  detailing how fulfillment and order management is done before and after Fulfillment Orders. 


When should apps start using Fulfillment Orders?


Some endpoints on the Fulfillment API were deprecated in the Shopify 2022-07 release.  Apps will have until June 30, 2023 to start using Fulfillment Orders



We are committed to helping partners through this process, so if you have additional questions, you can visit our Fulfillment API Deprecation community forum where we will be answering questions from our developer community.




Shopify Apps Team

2023年3月17日星期五17:37:59 GMT https://community.shopify.com/c/announcements/action-required-migrate-to-fulfillment-orders-api-by-june-30/m-p/1920389#M179 特雷弗 2023 - 03 - 17 - t17:37:59z
现在可用:用于交付和支付定制的函数api ! https://community.shopify.com/c/announcements/now-available-functions-apis-for-delivery-and-payment/m-p/1888157#M177

< SPAN class=" style=" font - family:宋体;"> Functions .png< P>< span>好消息,用于交付定制和支付定制的Functions api现在可以在开发人员预览版中使用。  < /P>

< span>使用这些新的api,您可以隐藏,重新排序,或重命名配送和支付选项,以帮助商家提高转化率,从竞争中脱颖而出。 

< P>请注意,Plus品牌带有结帐功能。在这个时间点上,液体定制将没有资格使用函数。 

< P>要了解更多关于使用交付和支付函数的构建, 



我们迫不及待地想看到您的功能驱动应用程序在App Store!  2023年1月10日星期二10:56:26 GMT https://community.shopify.com/c/announcements/now-available-functions-apis-for-delivery-and-payment/m-p/1888157#M177 内政大臣Jacqui 2023 - 01 - 10 - t10:56:26z 现在应用程序开发人员更容易测试webhook主题和webhook失败的电子邮件是精简的 https://community.shopify.com/c/announcements/it-s-now-easier-for-app-developers-to-test-webhook-topics-amp/m-p/1859500#M176


我们还减少了每次webhook交付失败时发送的电子邮件数量。以前,每次尝试都会发送一封电子邮件——这可能很快就会累积起来,从而使监控变得无效。现在,每个每个连续失败的尝试字符串将发送一封电子邮件,超过两天的时间,以保持您的收件箱清洁和可操作。< / SPAN > < / P >


To read more about the changes to testing webhooks, check out the dev docs.

If you have any questions about these changes, contact Partner Support with any questions.

2022年12月12日星期一17:11:54 GMT https://community.shopify.com/c/announcements/it-s-now-easier-for-app-developers-to-test-webhook-topics-amp/m-p/1859500#M176 内政大臣Jacqui 2022 - 12 - 12 - t17:11:54z
合作伙伴仪表板更新:查看明确的步骤,以提高应用程序质量和获得成就! https://community.shopify.com/c/announcements/partner-dashboard-updates-view-clear-steps-to-improve-app/m-p/1853742#M175

在Summer ' 22 edition上,我们在列表页面中添加了新的应用亮点,因此商家可以发现高质量的应用,并根据他们认为对业务有价值的属性做出明智的决策。这些亮点显示了商家成功的测试指标,包括它对在线商店业绩的影响,它如何与其他Shopify功能协同工作,以及与管理的集成。欧宝体育官网入口首页


12月1日开始,您将能够在合作伙伴仪表板的分销部分看到这些信息。初步数据显示,应用亮点是商家决定是否探索应用的主要因素,并通过成功帮助高质量应用脱颖而出来推动安装。< / SPAN > < / P >
2022年12月8日星期四16:33:08 GMT https://community.shopify.com/c/announcements/partner-dashboard-updates-view-clear-steps-to-improve-app/m-p/1853742#M175 内政大臣Jacqui 2022 - 12 - 08 - t16:33:08z
Shopify功能现在对Plus商家开放 https://community.shopify.com/c/announcements/shopify-functions-is-now-open-to-plus-merchants/m-p/1851999#M174

< SPAN class=" style=" font - family:宋体;">functions.png< P>< span>好消息-从今天开始Shopify Plus商OB欧宝娱乐APP家没有利用结帐。液体定制将获得访问Shopify功能。这意味着在接下来的几周内,Shopify Plus商家可以开始从App Store下载由Functions驱动的折扣应用程序,或者开OB欧宝娱乐APP始构建自己的Functions并使用自定义应用程序部署它们。


< P>要了解更多关于构建折扣函数,请务必查看我们最新的教程

我们迫不及待地想看到你的功能驱动的应用程序在App Store! 2023年1月10日星期二10:53:57 GMT https://community.shopify.com/c/announcements/shopify-functions-is-now-open-to-plus-merchants/m-p/1851999#M174 内政大臣Jacqui 2023 - 01 - 10 - t10:53:57z 把你在节日期间收集到的客户数据运用起来。 https://community.shopify.com/c/announcements/put-the-customer-data-you-gather-during-the-holiday-season-to/m-p/1842868#M172

put the customer data (1).png

< span>在过去的8个月里,Shopify一直在为企业投资我们的细分工具。现在你可以 segment客户通过电子邮件行为、产品标签和预测终身价值评分。

品牌已经看到了令人难以置信的结果。查看Peppermint Products 利用细分技术找到利基产品和利基客户,帮助他们在疫情和供应链危机中生存下来。

< P>您也可以查看一些实用的步骤来开始使用这个 如何分割视频 by The Ecom Bull.

2023年1月9日星期一13:15:44 GMT https://community.shopify.com/c/announcements/put-the-customer-data-you-gather-during-the-holiday-season-to/m-p/1842868#M172 内政大臣Jacqui 2023 - 01 - 09 - t13:15:44z
科威特航运区现在可以使用各省 https://community.shopify.com/c/announcements/governorates-are-now-available-for-kuwait-shipping-zones/m-p/1842633#M171



了解更多关于 < a href="//www.theturtleeffect.com/help/manual/shipping/setting-up-and-managing-your-shipping/setting-up-shipping-zones" target="_blank">添加送货区

2022年12月1日星期四16:06:30 GMT https://community.shopify.com/c/announcements/governorates-are-now-available-for-kuwait-shipping-zones/m-p/1842633#M171 内政大臣Jacqui 2022 - 12 - 01 - t16:06:30z
重新设计的应用商店在这里,帮助你更好地讲述你的应用故事 https://community.shopify.com/c/announcements/the-redesigned-app-store-is-here-helping-you-better-tell-your/m-p/1842346#M173

 redesigning -app-store.png

< span>我们一直在重新设计关键体验,使您的应用更容易被发现,并为商家找到合适的应用在合适的时间。

12月1日,我们发布了最新的功能,包括:优化的应用程序列表,个性化的主页,教育类别页面,以及新的故事页面,向商家展示什么是可能的。我们将继续公开构建,并在未来几周推出新功能。< / SPAN > < / P >


Next, we’ll be taking a deeper look at improving the developer experience. To start, we've made it easier to build quality apps and get featured by updating the partner dashboard to show the app highlights currently available, how to attain them, and why it improves the merchant experience.


Check out your updated app listing and visit the partner dashboard to explore the updates and complete the submission form if you haven’t already!

2023年1月9日星期一13:16:09 GMT https://community.shopify.com/c/announcements/the-redesigned-app-store-is-here-helping-you-better-tell-your/m-p/1842346#M173 内政大臣Jacqui 2023 - 01 - 09 - t13:16:09z
更新App Store“速度测试”亮点 https://community.shopify.com/c/announcements/update-to-app-store-speed-tested-highlight/m-p/1821141#M170

< SPAN class=" font - family:宋体" >< P>< span>商家需要他们的应用程序速度快,这样他们对店面的影响就会最小。为了确保商家知道他们的商店是否会受到最大的影响,Shopify App store列表的“速度测试”亮点已经更新,以更准确地反映应用程序的速度。< / SPAN > < / P > < P >, < / P > < P > < >强改变了什么?

速度测试突出显示现在只包括最近的50个安装“速度测试”亮点之前是基于应用程序的所有安装而授予的。这有两个相关问题。首先,如果一款应用的表现随着时间的推移而改善(或恶化),那么它的历史平均值将无法向商家反映最准确的信息。其次,如果合作伙伴改进了他们的应用,他们的改进可能需要很长时间才能反映在历史平均水平上。< / SPAN > < / P >


We now use a rolling average across your most recent installations to ensure we reflect your app's current performance to merchants as they browse apps. As you improve your app's performance and merchants install it, our assessment will reflect that improvement back to merchants.


What can you do as a developer to improve app speed? 

Shopify.dev describes many best practices for improving performance, including using Theme App Extensions if applicable, avoiding parser-blocker scripts, hosting assets on Shopify servers, reducing JavaScript usage, and just-in-time resource loading.


Google also provides additional general recommendations in the context of how Lighthouse evaluates performance.

2023年1月10日星期二10:56:21 GMT https://community.shopify.com/c/announcements/update-to-app-store-speed-tested-highlight/m-p/1821141#M170 内政大臣Jacqui 2023 - 01 - 10 - t10:56:21z