Hemp and hemp-derived products

When you sell hemp and hemp-derived products through Shopify, you need to comply with the laws and regulations that apply to your business. These laws and regulations depend on the region where your store is located and the region where you sell.

Hemp is a type of plant in the cannabis sativa plant species, and produces a broad range of cannabinoids. Hemp doesn't produce high levels of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), but is capable of producing high concentrations of cannabidiol (CBD).

Hemp and hemp-derived products are highly regulated and those regulations vary by region. If you're located and selling hemp or hemp-derived products in a jurisdiction where the sale of these products is permitted, then Shopify generally supports the sale.

为出售大麻或hemp-deri法律法规ved products in the United States (US)

If you're a US merchant and you want to sell hemp and hemp-derived products that contain CBD, then you'll need to review and submit theAttestation for the Sale of Hemp and Hemp-Derived Products.

In the attestation, you must confirm that you comply with various requirements, including the following statements:

  • None of your hemp or hemp-derived products are marketed as having any medicinal or therapeutic benefit, unless such claims have been approved by the FDA.
  • Your products contain no more than 0.3% THC, regardless of compound type, such as delta-8, delta-9, and delta-10.
  • Your products comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, including the laws in the jurisdictions of your customers.

By completing the attestation, you confirm that you understand the requirements for selling hemp or hemp-derived products on Shopify, and that you'll comply with those requirements. It's your responsibility to remain compliant with all the requirements of the attestation. If you violate the terms of the attestation you agreed to, then you risk action by Shopify.

Laws in the United States surrounding hemp and hemp-derived products are evolving, so you should consult with legal counsel before you sell these products on Shopify. Shopify can't provide legal advice on what and where you can sell.

Before selling hemp or hemp-derived products on Shopify, review and monitor federal, state, and local laws. You should also monitor updates from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

FDA resources

You can find specific information online about the FDA's current position on dietary supplements, food, and cosmetics that contain hemp or hemp-derived products such as CBD.

为出售大麻或hemp-deri法律法规ved products in Canada

In Canada, most hemp-derived products are classified as cannabis products, governed under theCannabis Act.

If you're a Canadian merchant and you want to sell hemp or hemp-derived products in Canada, then you must do the following:

  • be licensed to sell cannabis either at the federal or provincial level
  • comply with all the requirements set out in the relevant legislation
  • review and submit an attestation

It's your responsibility to remain compliant with all the requirements of the attestation. If you violate the terms of the attestation that you agreed to, then you risk action by Shopify.

Reach out to legal@shopify.com if you want to sell hemp or hemp-derived products in Canada.


为出售大麻或hemp-deri法律法规ved products internationally

You can sell hemp or hemp-derived products if it's legal, and you comply with all marketing laws in your jurisdiction and the jurisdiction of your customers.

The products you sell can't contain more than 0.2% of THC, regardless of the compound type, such as delta-8, delta-9, and delta-10.

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