Customize product recommendations

Some themes have recommended products sections that display complementary and related products to customers on your product pages. These recommendations can be customized using the Shopify Search & Discovery app.

For product recommendations to display on your store, you need to use a theme that includes acomplementary products sectionandproduct recommendations section, and then add that section to your product pages.

Product recommendation requirements

A recommended product displays on the product page only if the following criteria are met:

  • It isn't sold out.
  • It has a price higher than $0.00.
  • It isn't a gift card.
  • It is published to your Online Store sales channel.
  • It isn't currently in the visitor's cart.

These requirements help that customers discover and purchase currently available products.

Complementary Products

Complementary products are products often bought in addition to a selected product . You can display complementary products to help customers discover new products and increase your online store sales.

Best practices for complementary product recommendations

Recommending relevant products can lead to more sales or larger cart sizes. Use the following best practices to choose complementary product recommendations:

  • Choose product recommendations that you are confident customers will find useful.
  • Choose products that would be considered a good add-on to the original product.
  • Choose products that are lower or equivalent in cost to the original product.

Related products are products that are similar to a selected product. You can display potential substitutes to help customers discover other similar products they might like.

Automatically generated product recommendations

Related product recommendations are automatically generated for each product in your store. When you're customizing recommendations for a product in the Search & Discovery app, you can see a preview of the automatically generated recommendations.

Shopify has built-in strategies to adjust automatically generated product recommendations based on products that are commonly purchased together, have a similar product description, or products in related collections. It's not possible to edit the automatically generated product recommendations.

Learn more about thedata used for product recommendationsfrom the Shopify theme development documentation.

The products that you recommend can increase the chance that a customer will find relevant products, which can lead to increased sales. Consider the following best practices when designing a product recommendation strategy for your online store:

  • Choose product recommendations that you are confident customers will find useful.
  • Allow automatically generated product recommendations to display with your custom recommendations, because the automatically generated recommendations adjust to reflect changes to your products and customer activity. This will also make sure recommendations are displayed when your custom product recommendations are sold out or unpublished.
  • Be sure that yourtheme settings are displayingthe amount of product recommendations you want.

Create product recommendations

Customize product recommendations that display on your product page.


  1. In the Shopify Search & Discovery app, clickProduct recommendations, and then clickAdd recommendations.
  2. Select a product that you want to customize product recommendations for.
  3. Select up to 10Complementary products.
  4. Select up to 10Related productsto recommend. Set the product to display only the custom recommendations or to display both custom recommendations and automatically generated recommendations.
  5. ClickSave.

Edit product recommendations in bulk with metafields

You can usemetafieldsto edit product recommendations.


  1. In the Search and Discovery app, select multiple products from the Recommendations page.
  2. Click批量编辑to open the批量编辑器.
  3. Choose product recommendations for each product and clickSave.

You can also edit metafields from other apps, likeShopify Flow.

Edits to the followingShopify standard metafieldswill change the product recommendations shown to visitors to your online store. The changes that you make to the metafields are synced with the Search & Discovery app.

Name Description
Related products

A list of related products recommendations

Related products settings

Controls how selected product recommendations are displayed. Accepted values:

  • only manual: display only selected recommendations
  • ahead:显示所选产品的自动生成d product recommendations
Complementary products

A list of complementary product recommendations

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