KITSCH Sees a 32% Increase in 14-day Repurchase Rates with Shop Cash offers

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Fashion and apparel

Use Case

Marketing, Cost effectiveness


Shop Cash

KITSCH, a global fashion and accessories brand, their offerings are designed to be both functional and fashionable, and they are known for their high-quality materials and creative designs. As KITSCH aims to grow, they’re seeking a customer acquisition strategy that’s convenient for their small team and worthwhile.


KITSCH wanted to lower their customer acquisition costs and find more efficient channels to convert new customers. With rising costs across their current paid media channels, KITSCH was seeking more effective and affordable conversion strategies.

As a small team, KITSCH needed a marketing solution that was low lift in terms of setup and maintenance, yet effective in terms of generating high-value orders at scale.

With a diverse demographic ranging from females aged 18 to 65 years old—80% of traffic coming from mobile—KITSCH needed a mobile marketing strategy that would cater to their audience and provide a seamless shopping experience.


媚俗是吸引到店现金提供了项目due to its cost per acquisition (CPA) model and ease of setup. The low lift required to run the program and the ability to pay only for acquired customers made Shop Cash offers particularly appealing.

“The setup was pretty quick and easy, and there wasn't anything we needed to get developers involved in,” explains Yingying Kuang, KITSCH’s VP of Growth and E-Commerce. “In addition, we don't have to spend hours doing creative day-to-day and doing the media buying”

Given that 80% of their traffic and revenue stems from mobile, KITSCH valued Shop's mobile-centric approach and ability to provide a seamless shopping experience within the app. “Mobile is definitely a huge priority for us," explains Yingying Kuang, KITCH's VP of Growth & E-Commerce. "We really focus on being mobile first and optimize for that best mobile experience.” This is reinforced by the fact that customers gained through Shop Cash offers repurchased in the app 32% faster than customers acquired through their online store.


KITSCH's small team spends significantly less time maintaining Shop Cash offers each week compared to other channels, enabling them to efficiently launch a new acquisition channel with minimal overhead.

The different aspects of the program mechanics give KITSCH the control they’re looking for at a lower cost to their brand—setting a minimum order value in the Shop Cash offers program has helped increase average order value, order volume and allowed the team to increase their return on ad spend by 28%.

With the added benefit of having control over the CPA and being able to acquire new customers at a lower rate compared to other channels, Shop Cash offers have a permanent spot in KITSCH’s acquisition strategy. “The fact that you can only acquire new customers means the program is differentiated from other CPA programs that tend to drive more repeat customers rather than new customers,” explains Kuang.

Shop Cash offers allow KITSCH to acquire new customers at a lower cost and provide a unique mobile shopping experience for their diverse audience. The program's ease of setup and maintenance makes it an attractive option for Kitsch, and they see it as a valuable addition to their acquisition strategy.

I highly recommend setting it up, testing it and seeing what happens.
Yingying Kuang VP of Growth & E-Commerce

With Shopify Plus, KITSCH saw results fast.


improvement in 14-day repurchase rate compared to their online store


increase in ROAS after incorporating a minimum order amount


minutes per week spent on generating hundreds of orders per day.

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