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We welcome extraordinary people and make exceptions for them. We’re looking for people globally unrivalled in their skills and experience, and world-class at something beyond the roles we already hire for.

If you’re world-class, we’ll fast-track you through our application process and create you a new high-performance role—and personal growth trajectory.

(If you’re the world’s best at one of our core disciplines, switch back to find your role.)


Our mission

Opportunity is not evenly distributed. Shopify puts independence within reach for anyone with a dream to start a business. This is life-defining work that directly impacts people’s lives as much as it transforms your own.

Where we hire

Office centricity is over. We are digital-first. You do your daily work wherever you work best. Most of us then gather in real life several times a year to solve hard problems and align as a team. We hire you wherever you are.

How we pay

The Shopify Flex Comp system allows you to choose your own balance of total reward between cash (base salary) and equity (RSUs and options). You’ll increase your compensation as your positive impact on Shopify’s mission grows.

Being extraordinary

From astrophysicists and Reddit influencers to pro gamers and Olympic athletes, Shopify has a history of hiring people with alternative proof of achieving something difficult. This is what that means to us:

Acclaimed mastery

Shopify’s VIPs are globally-unrivalled at something that’s recognised by an international award, have renowned publications about their work, or have achieved a high status in their field.

Exceptionally driven

VIPs are proven to be highly driven because they’ve achieved something that’s difficult, which has required hours (and hours) of practice, dedication, and focus.

Alternative superpower

VIPs have often disregarded the corporate status quo to explore multiple career paths, taken risks to leap into new challenges, and achieved national or international excellence as a result.

Can we slide into your DMs?

If you’re the world’s best, we’ll create a role for you. Tell us how and when to get in touch.

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