How to Get More Followers on Instagram: 13 Reliable Ways to Grow Your Audience

get more followers on instagram

Instagramcan be a highly-targeted, visualmarketing channelfor your brand and an opportunity to build a loyal audience that grows with your business.

In fact, over 500 million Instagram andIGTVusers browse the app every day, making it home to some of the most engaged audiences around.

But like any social network out there, there are theright ways to use your Instagram profile, wrong ways to use it, and clever ways to use it.

In this post, we will show you how to most effectively use Instagram to increase engagement andgrow a massive following over time—one that's full of real fans, not inactive fake accounts.

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How to get more followers on Instagram

Let's dive deeper into how to implement each tactic to get more Instagram followers.

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1. Use the right Instagram hashtags

你r goal on Instagram is toengage your current audienceon a regular basis while also growing your number of real followers. Posting new, interesting and engaging photos will satisfy the first requirement, but to begin growing you'll find hashtagging your photos to be extremely important. Hashtagging your photos makes it easy for people to find your photos that are searching for those specific terms.

So which hashtags should you use? Just like with Twitter and other social sites, users on Instagram use certain hashtags over others. If you usepopular Instagram hashtagswithin your photos, you're much more likely to reach new users and be discovered.

Here are the current top 20 hashtags on Instagram:

  1. #love (1,271,692,015)
  2. #instagood (742,795,562)
  3. #photooftheday (507,358,504)
  4. #fashion (487,010,088)
  5. #beautiful (463,668,566)
  6. #快乐(427528663)
  7. #cute (418,686,470)
  8. #like4like (417,887,839)
  9. #tbt (413,049,020)
  10. #followme (392,011,012)
  11. #picoftheday (380,504,677)
  12. #follow (371,102,705)
  13. #me (348,193,980)
  14. #art (343,874,151)
  15. #selfie (337,204,715)
  16. #summer (324,498,110)
  17. #instadaily (323,307,593)
  18. #repost (309,603,537)
  19. #friends (307,567,075)
  20. #nature (303,040,276)

If you looked at the list above and said, “But none of those apply to my products or brand”, you're likely correct.

Using hashtags is one thing, using therighttags is a completely different thing.

Popular tags like the ones listed above will likely net you additional engagement and likes, however they will not lead to increased long-term engagement, new interested followers, and most importantly, sales.

If you want to tag your photos properly, you'll need to find and use the most relevant hashtags. This means doing the appropriate research to make sure you're using hashtags that not only describe your brand, but are also being searched for on Instagram.

To find relevant hashtags, you’ll want to use a free online tool like IconoSquare or Websta to start.

Below, I used Websta to find relevant, related and popular hashtags for my men’s accessory brand by searching for key hashtags that are closely related to my brand.

As an example, searching the hashtag #MensFashion, I was able to pull the following list of additional keyword hashtags along with the number of times they have been used (popularity).

how to find menswear instagram hashtags

你can also find more related hashtags and their popularity if you search for any of your target keywords directly in the Instagram app.

你’ll want to go through this exercise trying different keywords that describe your brand and products, building out your hashtag keyword list as you go.

Keep in mind that Instagram allows for a maximum of 30 hashtags per post. Additionally, the popular words will change over time, so make sure you revisit your hashtag keywords every few months to make sure you're using the best possible terms.

你can also steal hashtag ideas from competitors or similar accounts that have the kind of following you aspire to have, but you ultimately want to create your own groups of hashtags to use that relate to your specific account.

Protip #1:Here’s a trick that I use for my ecommerce businesses. For every product and product category for my stores, I have done the research to see which are the most popular Instagram hashtags around those product categories. I came up with 15-20 popular hashtags for each category of products I sell, as well as a base of 5-10 popular tags that describe my brand and product offering overall. Finally, I also created a list of popular local specific hashtags that relate to my brand.

For example:

(Brand keyword hashtags)

#mybrandname #mensfashion #mensaccessories #mensgoods #fashion #mensstyle #instafashion #menswear

(Product category keyword hashtags)

#bugatchisocks #happysocks #corgisocks #socks #sockswag #socksoftheday #sockgame #sockswagg #socksofinstagram #happysockday #sockwars #funsocks #happysockday

(Location specific keyword hashtags)

#Toronto #TorontoFashion #TorontoFashionBloggers

All of these groups of keyword hashtags are stored in a page on Evernote. This makes it easy and efficient when I’m on the go to post a new Instagram image, optimized for the most relevant keywords.

I can easily open my Evernote and copy my standard brand, product and location specific hashtags to post with each photo. Some Instagram scheduling tools also let you save caption templates that you can use to store your hashtag groups.

mens fashion hashtags in instagram posts

Doing the work upfront of researching, organizing and saving the most applicable and popular hashtags will save you a ton of time down the road, increase your engagement and help garner new followers.

Protip #2:If you’ve been posting to Instagram for a while and feel like you’ve missed out on all these opportunities to build your audience by using keyword hashtags, fret not. You can still go back and post a comment with your new hashtag keyword lists and watch the likes and followers roll in.

add instagram hashtags in comments

Using hashtags in Instagram stories

Hashtagging on Instagram posts are a given, but you should also be using hashtags in your Stories for the chance to be seen by users who follow that specific hashtag.

你can use hashtag stickers (which can be found in theInstagramStickersmenu when creating a Story) or just hashtag directly in your captions for a chance to be featured in a hashtag story.

Now that users can follow hashtags, yourstories on Instagram有机会看到的人都是佛llowing that hashtag and anyone who’s just checking it out.

hashtags in stories

2. Use the right filters on Instagram

Keyword hashtags aren’t the only thing you should pay attention to. The Instagram community responds to certain photo filters more favorably than others. Using these preferred filters can have an impact on your engagement.

Here are the 10 current most popular filters on Instagram according to Iconosquare:

  1. Normal (No Filter)
  2. Clarendon
  3. Juno
  4. Lark
  5. Ludwig
  6. Gingham
  7. Valencia
  8. X-Pro II
  9. Lo-fi
  10. Amaro

TrackMaven ran a study on Instagram accounts to see how filters affected engagement and found that Mayfair, Hefe, and Ludwig drove the most interaction.

TrackMaven Instagram data

But more important than the general Instagram community’s favorite filters, are your particular audience's favorite filters. Consider this custom graph which correlates filter usage to engagement from my own Instagram account:

Iconosquare Instagram filters for likes

你can useIconoSquareto review the performance of your own account to understand what is and is not currently working for you.

3. Post on Instagram at the right times

Beyond adding the appropriate hashtags and using the best filters, you should also be considering the timing of your posts.

A targeted approach is to analyze what has and has not worked for you in the past. By visiting IconoSquare’s optimization section, you can get a detailed analysis of your posting history vs. engagement. This report will also highlight the best times of the day and days of the week to post.

The dark circles indicate when you usually post media. The light gray circles shows when your community has been interacting. The biggest light gray circles represent the best times for you to post.

Instagramposting habits

你can also get a lot of great insight from Instagram Analytics for Business accounts for free, under the Followers section.

你may want to consider using asocial media scheduling tool安排,并自动发布你的文章or when your audience is the most engaged.

4. Steal your competitor's followers on Instagram

One of the best ways to find and attract a new following is by seeking out your closest competitors' Instagram accounts and engaging with their audience. These people have already shown some level of interest in the products you carry simply by following your competitors' account.

So how do you effectively steal your competitors' followers? You can steal your closest competitors' followers by engaging with them. There are several ways to engage with Instagram users, and the more work you put in, the more followers and repeat engagement you’ll get out of it.

The three types of engagement on Instagram are:

  • Follow a user
  • Like a photo
  • Comment on a photo

I ran an informal test with my business account to see how my competitors' followers responded to my marketing advances. I targeted the followers of a close, local competitor. Since I know many of his followers would be local, I added my city to my profile to create a greater sense of familiarity between my brand and the people I am targeting.

I began by simply following 100 of my competitors’ followers. Later, I followed another 100 but I also took the time to like one of their photos. Finally, I followed a third group of 100 and liked as well as commented on one photo from each account..

Here were the results:

  • Follow: 14% followback
  • Follow + Like: 22% followback
  • Follow + Like + Comment: 34% followback

Although the are many variables and the test was far from scientific, the results were clear. The more you put in and engage with people, the more you’ll get out of it.

Note: While it's against Instagram's terms of service, some entrepreneurs use automation to follow the same process above. House of Hannie discusses this tactic and the pros and cons of it on the episode of Shopify Masters below.

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5. Pay for sponsored posts and product reviews

All this optimized posting to your account is great but if you really want to make an impact, you need to take advantage ofinfluencer marketing on Instagram, exposing your brand to a wider audience.

So how do you do that? First, unlike the tactics above to grow your account this one usually isn’t free. However, if done correctly, it’s good value.

To get started, you’ll need to make a list of large accounts in your niche. For example, if you sell beauty products, you’ll want to find large accounts from beauty bloggers.

你may already be following these accounts, but if not you’ll need to find them. One of the best ways is to use Webstagram (mentioned earlier) and search for some of the closest hashtag keywords you uncovered in the beginning of this post. When you do a search for your keywords, not only will it show you the related keywords, but it also shows you the top Instagram accounts that feature those keywords.

There are a few things to look for in the profiles results:

  • A large following—usually 20k to 200k
  • An email address in the profile

If there is an email address in the profile, it usually means they're open to sponsored posts or a shoutout in a sponsored Story.

你’ll want to email them and ask them their sponsored post pricing. In general, I have found the average rate to be around $20-$50 per post, depending on the size of their following.

However, if you're selling a unique and original product, you may also want to consider sending them your product to review and post. The more natural and less advertisement-like the image, the greater the engagement and response usually.

你don't necessarily need influencers with a massive following, but rather ones with a high engagement rate (likes and comments relative to follower size), which manyinfluencer marketplacescan provide.

Here's an example:

influencer marketing instagram

6. Use geotags on Instagram for local discoverability

Besides hashtags, you can also make your Instagram posts and Stories discoverable by tagging your location, either the city you’re in or the venue where the photo or video was taken.

Locations not only have their own Instagram feed but also their own Story just like hashtags that you can contribute to when you use the location sticker in your own Stories.

geotagging on instagram

Local businesses can get the most value out of location tags by posting regularly to these feeds and also engaging with posts from prospective customers who are physically in the vicinity.

7. Organize your Stories into Highlights

Whenever a potential follower lands on your profile, you have a short span of time to convince them to follow you.

One way to do this is by using the “Highlights” feature on your profile to organize yourInstagramStoriesin a way that communicates what your account is about.

Since Stories have a 24-hour lifespan, Highlights can be used to give them a second-life and entice others to follow you so they don’t miss out on more Stories in the future.

story highlights on instagram

Use Story Highlights to:

  • Create trailers that tease what your account is about
  • Organize your Stories into themes (like countries you’ve visited to for travel accounts)
  • Explain your products through pictures and videos
  • Promote your products using swipe-up links (you need at least 10K followers and a Instagram Business account to do this with your Stories)

8. Ask for more followers

It sounds obvious, but it deserves to be said: Don’t be afraid to occasionally ask your audience to follow you.

The same way YouTubers ask their viewers to follow them at the end of their videos, you can also ask viewers to follow you for more content.

Sometimes people might really enjoy what you put out on Instagram, but need a nudge before they actually follow you. Sometimes you just need to remind the users of a platform that they can subscribe to get more in the comments of a post.

你can also do this in yourInstagramcaptionsor even work it into your content by pitching what your audience will get if they follow you or hinting at content that’s coming up that they won’t want to miss.

get more instagram followers by asking

9. Hop on trends for more followers

When the opportunity presents itself, aligning your content with trending topics or hashtags can improve discoverability and engagement.

For example, you can ride the wave of a trending topic or event, such as a holiday, in a relevant way to boost your engagement and reach. Or you can participate in one of the manyhashtagholidays that exist, such as #NationalCoffeeDay (falling on October 1st in 2018). Mark relevant events in your calendar so you can prepare relevant content in advance.

Be sure to join the conversation in a meaningful way and when in doubt, ask yourself if your target audience would actually pay attention to the trend.

For instance, here's Faballey catching up with 'what the week looks like' trend on Instagram Reels:

10. Run a giveaway to attract Instagram followers

One of the best kinds of comments you can get on any social media post, not just Instagram, is a comment where one user tags a friend. Not only do these comments contribute to your post’s engagement, which in turn makes it favorable to theInstagramalgorithm, but each tag brings you a new audience member who arrived through a recommendation and who you could potentially win over as a follower.

One way to encourage this behavior is by posting relatable content that begs for 1:1 sharing (e.g. A gym meme that asks you to tag a friend who skips leg day). But a more reliable way to get your audience to tag their friends is by running a giveaway that encourages your audience to tag a friend and follow your account.

Be sure to check out our post on running a giveaway for more, as well follow Instagram'spromotion guidelinesand any legal requirements for running a contest that apply in your country of operation.

For inspiration, here’s an example of a successful product giveaway from the5th that incentivizes people to follow their account and tag a friend for the chance to win two free products for the both of them.

Example of Instagram hashtags

11. Be consistent with your Instagram posts

Most of your followers won’t follow you for what you posted in the past but for the promise of what you’ll post in the future. Your audience wants to know what they’re going to get if they hit that follow button.

Having a feed with a consistent theme running through, where you publish at a consistent pace, can have just as much of an impact in growing a following as many of the other growth strategies we’ve covered above. Even a simple pattern can entice new followers, as long as it’s communicated at first glance to anyone who lands on your profile.

Consider yourInstagrambioand your last 9 posts as your first impression on Instagram.Do they effectively communicate some degree of consistency through personality, filters, colors, or layout?

The layout of your grid is an often underestimated way to get creative with the aesthetic of your feed while adding a rhythm to your publishing strategy and consistency that's worth following.

In fact, many accounts that adopt this approach are often able to spend less effort on creating content by focusing on converting visitors into followers, producing text graphics or other content with a faster turnaround and streamlining the overall production of their Instagram content.

你can use a tool likeLaterto easily plan out and schedule the look and layout of your feed in advance.Sonnet Insuranceis just one example of how far some brands go with the aesthetic of their Instagram layout.

example of an instagram grid layout

12. Closely monitor your Instagram following over time

It’s not enough to get more Instagram followers if you’re losing them just as fast. Keep an eye on the rate at which you’re growing as well as how engaged your following is overall.

Social Bladeis a great free tool for analyzing the growth of your following (or your competitors), showing you followers added and lost over time and on specific days.

SocialBlade for Instagram

With an Instagram Business account, you also get an Instagram Analytics dashboard which offers valuable insight for free that you won’t get anywhere else. You can see how many people are checking out your profile, how many people your posts have reached, what your most engaging posts are, and where most of your followers are from.

你can use this data to diagnose where you’re falling short and where you could do more. Look for patterns in the posts that were the most engaging and try to replicate that in your future content.

你can also use a Shopify analytics app likeRevTapto see how your Instagram ad campaigns are performing.

13. Use the Instagram tools at your disposal

There are hundreds ofInstagramtoolsout there that can help you and your Instagram strategy, but I mentioned three key ones to help you build your audience and engage with them over time:

  • Later:Schedule and automatically publish your Instagram posts from your computer or mobile device.
  • IconoSquare:Info, analytics and insights into your account and followers.
  • Webstagram:Find the best hashtags for your posts and people for your sponsored posts.

14. Use high-quality images

Instagramis a visually-driven platform. We're all there for discovering ideas and inspiration for what we want to wear, what decor we wish to have, our next project, travel destination and more. Now imagine if someone shared hazy pictures of things - how would you know you even want to do that?

So remember whenever you're posting something on Instagram, the image is of high-quality. It needs to capture the user's attention immediately.

Also read:The beginner's guide to smartphone photography

15. Talk to your followers

Growing your Instagram takes more than just posting good content. If you want people to know you or engage with you, you need to engage with them as much. Now you can do this in a couple of ways.

For starts, start replying to the comments or questions you get on your posts. Even if it is just thanking someone for dropping a note.

Next, consider hosting a live chat to let your followers join in and ask you questions about your products and services. It's also a great way to win their trust by showing them the real face behind the brand.

For example, here's Suta engaging with their followers in the comments section, making them feel noticed and appreciated:

engage with followers on instagram

16. Make your Instagram stories more engaging

A lot of us post Stories to show what we're doing through the day by clicking pictures of products, or where we are. What if you made these Stories even more engaging?

你can do this in a number of ways. Add stickers to your stories that are trending on Instagram, supporting a cause that people are talking about or use text to share a story or talk about your products.

Here's an example from Shop Lune, for instance:

instagram stories to grow followers

17. Share your values, vision and mission

Did you know that the new-age consumer is cause-driven? About 40% of us choose to consciously interact with brands that support a cause we believe in or want to contribute to.
So if there's anything you're doing to give back to the society, share it with your followers. We're not asking you to boast about it. But just educate them about what you're doing and give them a chance to contribute and be a part of your journey too.
Here's how Fabuliv does it:
instagram value posts to grow followers

18. Experiment with long captions

Don't just use captions to promote your deals, discounts or drop the product's name. Go one step further and use the space to tell a story about your brand or an upcoming product range. People love to hear stories and this is your space to bear it all!
Here's an example from Exclusive Lane, a home decor store:
long captions on instagram

19. Host Instagram Takeovers

We know how skeptical you may be about letting someone else handle your Instagram. But did you know that getting an expert or an influencer to collaborate with you on your feed is a great way to show how 'involved' you are with your audience? It's also a form of user generated content that often goes untapped!

For example, if your store sells home decor products, invite Instagram influencers that active share home styling tips to host a live AMA or create authentic content for your feed on a given day around a specific theme. This is also a great hack to tap into the invited person's following and increase your own.

host instagram takeovers

20. Create Story highlights on your profile

Often times we see something on an account that we want to go back to after a few days. But then we never find the same post even if we remember whose feed we saw it on or whose Story it was featured on. The reason is that there's just too much content being shared on the platform. Even your favourite brand is posting so regularly that you might miss out on a few updates!

But you can tackle this by creating Story highlights on your profile. With this feature, you'll be able to categorise your posts into topics that your audience likes to engage with the most.

Here's how Heads Up For Tails has done it:

add instagram highlights on your profile

21. Tag people and accounts in your images

But don't overdo it of course. Tag only those accounts that are relevant or those users that actively interact with your brand. It's a smart move to capture their attention and also get discovered by those who follow them.
For example, if you just hosted a launch party and are posting pictures of the same, take time to identify all those people in the pictures and make sure you tag them. Similarly, if you're using another brand's products in your studio set up and it gets featured, tag them as well. One brand to another, it's only love!

22. Optimize your Instagram bio with hashtags

Instagram's discovery is dependent on hashtags. If you want to reach a bigger audience, you need to find new ways to associate your brand with a hashtag. Instead of just posting hashtags in your posts, also include a few in your Instagram bio.
Now don't go all out, trying to replace all your bio with the hashtags. The idea is to either include a branded hashtag or those that your target audience tends to use commonly.
Here's an example of a branded hashtag being used by Heads Up For Tails:

23. Ask questions in your posts and include call to actions

Instagram's algorithm gives preference to posts that have a high engagement rate. But more often than not, you see brands focusing only on metrics such as likes. While that's not wrong, there are other numbers like saves, shares and comments that matter as well. But to get your followers to do so, you're going to have to give them a little nudge.
你can do this by including questions in your captions or laying down the next steps for them. It could be to send you a message, subscribe to your notifications or tag friends, anything that is clear and simple to do and leads to any form of engagement.
ask followers to take an action on your instagram post

24. Cross-post your Instagram content on other social channels

To grow your Instagram account, you need more visibility. And you can do this by driving traffic to your account from Facebook, Twitter and other social platforms you're making use of. This way you introduce your account to a fresh audience.
你可以设置自动重发或做it manually when you think it's a piece of content your audience is absolutely going to love.

25. Get your account verified

The little blue tick you see on some accounts adds credibility to your brand. But getting it approved by Instagram is tough. Not impossible though!
Once you've built out an audience for your brand and have your content rhythm set, go to your Settings and then request verification. Now they may or may not approve your request. But it never hurts to try!
get your instagram account verified

Grow an Instagram following that grows your business

In this post we talked about the most effective ways to use Instagram to build a targeted following, but it's not always a numbers game. As with any social network, the most successful strategy overall is to be authentic and social.

If you focus on engagement, not just followers, Instagram can be a great home for your products and brand that can lead to a healthy stream of revenue for your ecommerce business.

Ready to use Instagram to grow your business? Here are some more resources to help you out:

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Illustration by Eugenia Mello


How do you get more followers on Instagram for free?

  1. Find and post in popular hashtags related to your photo, product, or brand.
  2. Create your own branded hashtag.
  3. Use hashtags in Stories.
  4. Don't go overboard using too many hashtags.
  5. Don't fall for hashtag gimmicks such as #likeforlike or #followme.

How can I increase my followers on Instagram?

  1. Use the right Instagram hashtags.
  2. Steal your competitors' followers.
  3. Use geotags on Instagram posts.
  4. Organize Stories into Highlights.
  5. Post user-generated content.
  6. Collaborate with other brands.
  7. Post at the best times.
  8. Use Instagram analytics tools.
  9. Livestream on Instagram Stories.

How do I get real followers on Instagram in 2020?

  1. Fill out your Instagram bio.
  2. Find your audience through hashtags.
  3. Connect with potential customers.
  4. Post relevant and engaging content.
  5. Publish consistently.
  6. Start a conversation with your followers.
  7. Use Instagram Live.

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