Shopify Flow Templates you can use During COVID-19

Shopify Flow Templates you can use During COVID-19

This post was written by Warren Pamukoff.

We’re living in uncertain and unprecedented times. With everything going on, you don’t have time to waste completing manual tasks. That’s where Shopify Flow comes in—with Flow you can save hours of time every day and let your team focus on more urgent challenges like dealing with suppliers, building out new fulfillment processes, improving the customer experience, and launching new sales campaigns.

Over the past few weeks, we’ve noticed a number of stores creating and implementing Flow workflows specific to the new COVID-19 environment. These workflows include things like canceling orders to high-risk areas due to shipping challenges, alerting customers and fulfillment teams about on-site pickups, and tracking and thanking customers for purchasing items during the pandemic. Below are just a few templates that we think will help you navigate this challenging time.

Note, that each template will launch directly into your store and can be modified to fit your needs. For example, there are multiple messaging platforms that have built Shopify Flow Connectors (e.g.Klaviyo,Omnisend,Bronto,PushOwl, anddotdigital) that you can use to notify a customer. Although our templates may use a specific app or apps, you can always switch to an app that you’re already using or one that you’re familiar with.

Learn more about Shopify Flowordiscover more Flow Connector workflows.

Improve the buying experience and build customer loyalty

Order management

Inventory and merchandising

Risk management