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Fulfill Orders Faster With Shopify Shipping

Streamlining order fulfillment can help you get orders out the door more quickly and accurately, which is key to your brand’s reputation and your ability to build a loyal customer base. That’s why we made improvements to the order management and label purchasing experience withShopify Shipping, so you can spend less time managing orders and more on your growing business.

Customize your orders tab and get to work faster

Sorting through orders can be a daunting process, especially when you need to get many orders out the door, each with its own shipping and packaging requirements. To help speed up your fulfillment processes, you can now customizeorder views, including default ones. For example, you might want to change the default Unfulfilled view to include only orders you need to ship to customers, and create a separate view for local delivery and local pickup orders.

You’re also now able to show, hide, and reorder columns in your order index, so you only see the information that matters most. And column arrangements can be saved within each view, so your configurations are ready the next time you access your orders.

Buy and print up to 50 shipping labels at once

Create, buy, and print labels faster than ever before. If you’re shipping from the US, you can bulk-purchase and print labels for up to 50 orders at once. On the Orders page, select multiple orders to create and buy labels.

50 label limit

Simplify multi-label purchases with the new table view

Now you can review and purchase multiple shipping labels in a simplified table view, letting you quickly skim through your labels in one screen and make necessary tweaks before buying them. You can update details such as shipping addresses, package types, weights, and shipping services on individual orders, or in bulk.

Fulfill multiple orders faster with shipping presets

Are you growing quickly or shipping similar orders? If so, you can now create a shipping preset to save you more time. Create a preset by specifying your shipping options like package type, shipping service, and insurance. Then you can apply it to multiple selected orders. Think of it as a shipping shortcut: You’ll fulfill a batch of orders quicker and reduce multiple clicks!

Fulfillment preset

Automate your fulfillment process

As your business scales, the demands, complexity, and repetition add up. This is where automation can help you do more with less. UseShopify Flow, our automation tool, to streamline shipping workflows, reduce errors in the fulfillment process, and remove time-consuming tasks from your day-to-day.

Install the app and customize an easy-to-usetemplateto create automatic draft labels for new orders. You can prepare draft labels based on a specific product, weight, shipping method, and fulfillment country, so all you have to do is review and buy.

Shopify Flow is only available to merchants on the Shopify Plus and Advanced plans.

Shopify Flow template

Print all your documents in bulk

Instead of printing shipping documents separately, you can now collate packing slips, shipping labels, and customs forms when printing documents for several orders in the same print session. This enhancement cuts down repetitive tasks when fulfilling multiple orders, so you can sort, pick, and pack your shipments faster.

Collated Document Printing

Stay tuned as we introduce more features to help you fulfill faster and smarter, and please continue sharing feedback in the comments below.

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