Planning Ahead for Important E-Commerce Dates

Shopify Important Shopping Dates of 2011

By now, the whirlwind of chaos we like to callthe holiday seasonhas finally settled down. Santa's back in the North Pole, the Champagne's been popped, and the spike in holiday sales has leveled back to normal. We know you're probably exhausted from the holidays and it's nice to have a little (well deserved) break, but it's important to remember consumers keep shopping after the three french hens and two turtle doves have flown the coop.

For instance,Valentine's Daymay be the last thing on your mind, butCupidis rearing his cinnamon heart-shaped head quicker than you think. Already consumers are seeking the perfect gift for their special someone. By usingGoogle Insights, we can see specific product search queries for “valentine’s day gifts” begin to increase dramatically by mid-January.
  • Female consumers are on the hunt for "gifts for him" and "gifts for boyfriend" starting as early as January 17th;
  • Male consumers aren't in any rush and don't start searching "gifts for her" and "gifts for girlfriend" until the beginning of February (sorry to let the cat out of the bag, guys).
Point is, consumers are looking toward (non-Christmas) holidays and special events up to a month ahead of time, and you should organize your marketing and merchandizing efforts with that in mind.If you start thinking Valentine's Day promotions in February, it's too late.Plan ahead and capitalize on important sales dates in 2011 by using this ecommerceMarketing Events Calendar:

Clickherefor a printable version.

It's also important to add your industry specific dates to the list (trade shows, conferences..etc..etc..) Planning ahead gives you ample time to prepare your campaign and arrange the in-house logistics required for execution.

How do you plan for important ecommerce dates?

Share your ideas in the comments section!