Gary Vaynerchuk Power Session Winner

Gary Vaynerchuk Power Session Winner
Last week we asked our store owners topost their best piece of start-up business advicefor a chance to win a 45 minute session with Gary Vaynerchuk. We received over 80 tips gleaned from people's real experiences starting their online business; it's definitely worth a read.

Selecting the winner was quite difficult with so much diverse advice on the table. In the end, Dominic Coballe's comment won the day:

"Discipline, it applies to every facet of entrepreneurship (and life really).

Selecting a set of values and staying true to it. Crafting, nurturing and sharing your brand narrative. Knowing your comfort zone and making a call to jump out of it. Making promises to customers/employees/supply partners and following through. Perfecting a product/service and knowing when to release and iterate. Assembling the right people who share a culture of discipline.

Being completely exhausted and replying to the last few customer emails. Being utterly consumed and realized that it’s time for family and friends. Having discipline is the common thread. Hard to do but always rewarding."

Deckster is run by Dominic and his wife. Their product is high-end watch-band that perfectly fits an iPod Nano, turning it into a sleek and sexy timepiece/music device for your wrist. The idea for Deckster came to the team back in September of 2010 after the announcement of the latest iPod Nano. Since then, they have worked hard to source and manufacture the product all within North America and are getting ready to launch soon.

You can find out more about the Deckster story fromtheir websiteand also readDominic's reaction to the Gary Vaynerchuk sessionat their blog.

Dominic was kind enough to record the Skype session, editing it down to approximately 30 minutes. NOTE: This video contains language that may be NSFW for some people.

We also selected two runner-ups who will each receive Shopify Swag Bags. Our two winners are:

Ginger Smith of Ann Sloane which makes fashionable bags that fit onto mobility equipment like walkers and wheel chairs.

Daniel Catullo ofCatullo Prime Meats, a 3rd generation oldfashion style butcher shop located in Youngstown, Ohio.

Thanks to everyone who participated and shared their advice. We will be giving away more great prizes including two more Gary Vaynerchuk power sessions, so stay tuned.