What Does Facebook Timeline Mean for Ecommerce Store Owners?

What Does Facebook Timeline Mean for Ecommerce Store Owners?

Facebook Timelineofficially launched today, but won't be much use for ecommerce store owners - yet.

If you haven't heard of Facebook Timeline, it's essentially a newly designed profile page that puts focus on events from the past and a new jumbo sized image that will compliment your current profile pic.

So, what does Facebook Timeline mean for ecommerce store owners? Well not much really. A Facebook spokesperson said, "we are currently focused on Timeline for individuals and will consider how to make consistent experiences for Pages." That means if your欧宝体育官网入口首页has a brand page, you're currently out of luck. So even though my personal Facebook page will be sporting the new fancy layout, ourShopify Facebookaccount will remain the same. We'll just have to wait to see what Mark Zuckerberg has in store for brand pages.

If you're interested in learning more about Facebook Timeline for your personal account, you canread all the details and sign up here.
Don't have a Facebook brand page yet? Check out ourFacebook Guide for Business.